In this product manual, we've packed the insights and guidance needed to navigate through our Carbon Accounting solution.
In this product manual, we've packed the insights and guidance needed to navigate through our Carbon Accounting solution.
🔍 NOTE: This section gives you a high-level introduction to some useful concepts related to our methodology. Depending on your position, it might be relevant to dive deeper into the EIVEE methodology. For a more in-depth resource on our methodology, refer to the EIVEE Methodology Paper, which covers calculations in more detail as well as other relevant topics related to carbon accounting.
💡 TIP: Most visuals in EIVEE Carbon Accounting are color coded by the applied calculation method(s) and transparency on calculation methods is always available in the Data Foundation (see the Data Foundation section for more).
💡 TIP: At the bottom of the page, you can see your credentials and log out of the system. If you want to minimize the menu, hover on the menu, and click the small arrow next to the EIVEE icon at the top of the page.
💡 TIP: If you need details on emission calculations, you can click any piece of data and go to the Data Foundation page, see Section 4.7). This page provides full transparency on calculations, sources, data owners and more. You can read more about the Data Foundation page below.
🔍 Note: All scope 3 pages contain three key numbers at the top of the page, showing your total spend, total emissions and emissions intensity. The emission intensity key number is calculated as tCO2e per 1,000,000 DKK in spend and allows you to gauge the relative emissions of given categories, time periods, business units etc.
🔍 Note: All scope 3 pages contain three key numbers at the top of the page, showing your total spend, total emissions and emissions intensity. The emission intensity key number is calculated as tCO2e per 1,000,000 DKK in spend and allows you to gauge the relative emissions of given categories, time periods, businessunits etc.
🌎 Example: If you are buying a chair from Germany, which is however produced in India, the map will assign the emissions to Germany (i.e. the supplier country).
💡 TIP: The action palette is tied to the values of the data you clicked to open it. In Figure 4‑9, you can see what the action palette looks like if you click the spend part of the Professional services bar on the category level 2 chart.
💡 TIP: Some pages display data in a hierarchical structure. An example could be the Procurement Category page, where the chart displaying procurement category 1 is the highest level of the hierarchy while procurement category 3 is the lowest. When applying a highlight, all charts that are higher in the hierarchy are marked, while the lower ones are filtered.
💡 Example: You’re looking at the ‘Emissions by supplier’ chart, and you want to know more about the underlying calculation method for the supplier ‘ACME Network Services’.
To do this with the ‘go to’ action, you click the bar representing the supplier, scroll down to the ‘go to’ section and select ‘Data Foundation: Supplier name > ACME Network Services’.
This will add a filter for the specific supplier and navigate you to the Data Foundation page. The same action can be achieved by adding a filter for the supplier and navigating to the Data Foundation page through the top menu.