December 12, 2022

How Falck developed insights into their carbon footprint

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Falck's sustainability journey


Falck is the global market leader in emergency response and healthcare services with 8+million emergency responses and healthcare services delivered in 2021. Furthermore, Falck strives to implement environmentally sustainable solutions, reduce its climate impact, and is committed to identifying and mitigating risks, promoting sustainable processes and products, and increasing energy efficiency, to support and give back to the community effectively and sustainably.


In 2021, Falck took a significant step on its sustainability journey* by redefining how to measure their impact, aligning on KPIs and setting ambitious ESG** targets. In 2022, Falck committed to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

To embark on this journey, Falck aimed to get an overview of the organisation’s carbon footprint. Like most companies, Falck was particularly challenged with gaining full insights into the emissions from their supply chain, i.e., their scope 3emissions. These generally represent the biggest amount of a company’s emissions, sometimes even up to 90%.

Falck’s starting point was a complex and fragmented data source landscape from a multitude of activities, which made it difficult to get an overview of their respective CO2 emissions.

To approach this task, Falck was looking for a technical solution that could help them get started, without using up a lot of time and resources, and in turn could be used for identifying emission-reduction initiatives. This included getting an overview of all scattered data sources, categorising the data within procurement, and being able to calculate value chain emissions.

* = Read Falck’s 2021 Sustainability report here:

** = ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance

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In Falck we strive to advance sustainable healthcare while reducing our climate impact. We have set high ambitions for reducing our CO2 emissions, and EIVEE’s software and experts helped Falck to have a more structed approach to our complex data landscape. This makes it easier for us to link and align our CO2 emissions to the GHG Protocol and to define our baseline for scope 3.
A profile picture of
Helle Carlsen Nielsen
Head of Sustainability & ESG at Falck
Co-Product Development

The Solution

Because of Falck’s procurement department using EIVEE’s digital procurement solution to manage their external spend, Falck and EIVEE have been collaborating closely already. Through this ongoing dialogue and a deep understanding of Falck’s needs and ambitions to become more sustainable, a mutually beneficial opportunity to map out scope 3 emissions for purchased goods and services was detected and elaborated on.

EIVEE’s spend intelligence offered a unique starting point for emissions accounting, as the transparency for all emissions could be built on top of Falck’s procurement-controlled data.

Falck and EIVEE have been developing a solution together where procurement data was first consolidated from different sources into one single dashboard. The data was then categorised, cleansed, and validated by EIVEE’s procurement experts, and finally linked to and enriched with sustainability data from best-in-class environmental databases. This approach both bypassed the hassle of data collection and provided a solid methodology to address scope 3 emission accounting through “real-time” insights.

In addition to assessing scope 3 emissions for purchased goods and services, EIVEE’s Carbon Accounting module also offers Falck the possibility to incorporate data on scope 1 and 2 emissions, as well as gain more transparency into their carbon footprint across their value chain.
All in one solution.

At A Glance


  • No defined standards for scope 3.
  • No overview of the overall carbon footprint.
  • Highly fragmented and scattered data sources.
  • Lack of standardised categorisation.
  • Availability of resources.
  • Need for a tool to tackle the complexity of controlling scope 3 emissions.


  • Next-gen integrated procurement and sustainability platform.
  • Enriched, high-quality data categorisation.
  • Integrated tool and EIVEE process frees up resources in the organisation.
  • Approved for science-based targets and external reporting.
  • Based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol across scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
  • Dynamic CO2-emissions overviews, hot-spot reporting, and actionable carbon-reduction recommendations.
  • Multiple data sources combined – spend, activity and supplier specific – and flexible towards input changes over time.
  • CO2 transparency, automatic pinpointing of reduction opportunities and progress tracking.


A sustainable world made possible and profitable

We firmly believe that real transparency and valuable insights in carbon accounting can only be achieved by combining tech with industry-leading human knowledge.

That’s why EIVEE is founded by specialists with a unique combination of Climate, Procurement, Tech, and Tier 1 consultancy expertise.

Coming from a corporate background, we combine professionalism and A+ quality with profound expertise and domain knowledge, elevated through our start-up identity, our shared passion, and a heart for innovation and inclusion.

With EIVEE you’re not only buying a tech platform, you buy access to top-tier industry knowledge.

Carbon Accounting Solution

Key Take Aways

Overview of all GHG categories
possible in one module
1, 2 & 3
Display of all three scopes
of carbon emissions possible in one solution
Emissions data sources
integrated for increasing level of quality and precision